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  • Writer's pictureIsaac Watts

The RLC's storefront was joyfully overtaken by The North Pole!

On November 21st 2017, an army of Elves from the North, under the leadership of Saint Nicholas, have swiftly & joyfully taken over the storefront at the RLC! Although our territory has been divided in half (Santa's Workshop in the front and the Ranch Learning Center in the back), there is hope to coexist. In recent weeks, we have learned the ways of the North Pole. Our very own music instructor has taken on his "Elf Avatar" to learn their jolly, cheerful mannerisms of the "Christmas Spirit". He has learned to dance like them, sing like them, and worked his way all the way up to "Papa Elf" status. Working alongside Santa Claus himself! We, the RLC, have come to the conclusion that these ushers of Christmas cheer & bearers come in peace. They only want to bring families together. So stop on by! Come take pictures with Santa, browse the collection of gifts these elves have so skillfully crafted for this Christmas. And I leave you with this note... "Don't forget the Milk & Cookies!!"

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